3-D printing hits rock-bottom prices with homemade ceramics mix

This story is, literally, stone age meets digital age: University of Washington researchers are combining the ancient art of ceramics and the new technology of 3-D printing. Along the way, they are making 3-D printing dramatically ...

Ancient art reveals extinct goose

As a University of Queensland researcher examined a 4600-year-old Egyptian painting last year, a speckled goose caught his eye.

DNA 'origami' could help build faster, cheaper computer chips

Electronics manufacturers constantly hunt for ways to make faster, cheaper computer chips, often by cutting production costs or by shrinking component sizes. Now, researchers report that DNA, the genetic material of life, ...

The art of balding: A brief history of hairless men

Balding is really common, affecting more than 50% of men. It's also physically inconsequential (bald men live just as long as haired men). So why, in his memoir Spare, does Prince Harry refer to his brother's baldness as ...

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