Nile countries could gain economic benefits from new framework

New research led by The University of Manchester has developed unique river basin modeling software which, for the first time, combines reservoir management, economy-wide performance, and artificial intelligence techniques ...

Quantum annealing can beat classical computing in limited cases

Recent research proves that under certain conditions, quantum annealing computers can run algorithms—including the well-known Shor's algorithm—more quickly than classical computers. In most cases, however, quantum annealing ...

Canine faeces reveal more about 17th century working sled dogs

Proteins from frozen canine feces have been successfully extracted for the first time to reveal more about the diets of Arctic sled dogs. Researchers—led by the University of York—say the breakthrough will enable scientists ...

Making sense of a universe of corn genetics

Seed banks across the globe store and preserve the genetic diversity of millions of varieties of crops. This massive collection of genetic material ensures crop breeders access to a wealth of genetics with which to breed ...

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