Smart labs for bespoke synthesis of nanomaterials are emerging

In the early 20th century, the development of a catalyst for ammonia synthesis by the Haber-Bosch method took more than 10,000 experiments before it was successful. The development of new materials is a time-consuming and ...

Catalyzing ammonia formation at lower temperatures with ruthenium

Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth. While about 80% of earth is nitrogen, it is mostly contained in the atmosphere as gas, and hence, inaccessible to plants. To boost plant growth, especially in agricultural ...

Milder ammonia synthesis method should help environment

A Chinese research team has developed a "milder" way to synthesize ammonia by requiring lower temperature and pressure than the current method. The process offers great promise for saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide ...

The world's nitrogen fixation, explained

Yale University scientists may have cracked a part of the chemical code for one of the most basic, yet mysterious, processes in the natural world—nature's ability to transform nitrogen from the air into usable nitrogen ...

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