Benefits of convalescent plasma for COVID-19 are still unclear

With vaccines and therapeutic drugs for COVID-19 still under development, doctors are wondering whether antibody-rich plasma infusions from the blood of recovered patients could be a more immediate way to keep hospitalized ...

Turning wood into pharmaceutical ingredients

Production of hazardous waste during drug manufacturing is a serious concern for the pharmaceutical industry. Typically, large amounts of flammable solvents are used during these processes, which usually require several steps ...

Computers join the fight against COVID-19

Scientists everywhere are banding together to fight the novel coronavirus, and they're already making progress. Computational chemists are focused on building computer models of the virus's parts, which could aid in developing ...

Pandemic provides unique opportunity for atmospheric chemists

As the COVID-19 pandemic slowed travel and business around the world, pollution emission rates dropped in response. With fewer cars on the road and clearer skies, atmospheric chemists jumped at the opportunity to study the ...

Device could help detect signs of extraterrestrial life

Although Earth is uniquely situated in the solar system to support creatures that call it home, different forms of life could have once existed, or might still exist, on other planets. But finding traces of past or current ...

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