Toward ultra-sensitive diagnostic chips

An international team, led by Swinburne researchers, has developed an ultra-thin nanostructure gold film—or metasurface—with the potential to revolutionize next-generation bio-sensing chips.

Benefits of convalescent plasma for COVID-19 are still unclear

With vaccines and therapeutic drugs for COVID-19 still under development, doctors are wondering whether antibody-rich plasma infusions from the blood of recovered patients could be a more immediate way to keep hospitalized ...

New tool helps nanorods stand out

Rice University scientists have developed an easy and affordable tool to count and characterize nanoparticles.

COVID-19: A wake-up call to rebalance the drug supply chain?

Over 80% of chemicals used to make pharmaceuticals sold in Europe originate from China or India, according to the European Fine Chemicals Group. When COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan and spread across the globe, experts worried ...

Computers join the fight against COVID-19

Scientists everywhere are banding together to fight the novel coronavirus, and they're already making progress. Computational chemists are focused on building computer models of the virus's parts, which could aid in developing ...

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