Selecting the right structural materials for fusion reactors

Do two promising structural materials corrode at very high temperatures when in contact with "liquid metal fuel breeders" in fusion reactors? Researchers of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), National Institutes ...

Ultra-high magneto-mechanical damping in Fe-Ga single crystals

Fe-18 at.%Ga alloys with magnetostrictive coefficients up to 400 ppm are expected to have high damping based on the magneto-mechanical hysteresis damping (MMHD) model. However, in some studies of the magnetostrictive properties ...

Examining how hydrogen behaves in aluminum alloys

Due to its low density, high strength, and abundance, aluminum and its alloys are widely used for example in constructions, consumer electronics and for vehicles including cars, ships, trains and planes. However, aluminum ...

A treasure map for the realm of electrocatalysts

High entropy alloys (HEAs) are chemically complex materials made up of mixtures of five or more elements. What's interesting about them is that they offer completely new possibilities for the development of electrocatalysts. ...

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