Oral drops for dog allergies pass another hurdle

(Phys.org) -- A study reported today at the World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology in Vancouver, British Columbia, shows that placing allergy drops under a dog's tongue can be as effective as allergy injections for controlling ...

eBay bans sorbitol sales after Italian death

US online auction giant eBay on Monday banned global sales of sorbitol following the death of a 28-year-old Italian woman who consumed a phial of the sugar substitute as part of a food allergy test.

Antigua warns of emissions from Montserrat volcano

Shifting winds are blowing sulfurous winds from the Montserrat volcano across the nearby island of Antigua in the eastern Caribbean, prompting authorities there to urge precautions.

Scientists visualize how bacteria talk to one another

Using imaging mass spectrometry, researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed tools that will enable scientists to visualize how different cell populations of cells communicate. Their study shows ...

Pollen research not be sniffed at

Pollen may annoy allergy sufferers in springtime but, viewed under the microscope, a pollen grain is a thing of beauty. Amazing images and facts about pollen are part of an exhibition at CSIRO Discovery in Canberra beginning ...

A substance from bacteria can lead to allergy-free sunscreen

As the realisation that radiation emitted by the sun can give rise to skin cancer has increased, so also has the use of sunscreen creams. These creams, however, can give rise to contact allergy when exposed to the sun, and ...

Indoor plants can reduce formaldehyde levels

The toxic gas formaldehyde is contained in building materials including carpeting, curtains, plywood, and adhesives. As it is emitted from these sources, it deteriorates the air quality, which can lead to "multiple chemical ...

Pollen: You can run, but you can't hide

(Phys.org) —It's the yellowish coating on cars. It floats on ponds, blows with the spring breeze and serves as a potent irritant to allergy sufferers. Now a NASA team is targeting pollen—and its work could help alleviate ...

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