Antennas searching for extraterrestrials threatened by wildfire

The Allen Telescope Array, an ensemble of 42 antennas used in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), is once again threatened by wildfires. The scientists and engineers normally on-site have been evacuated as ...

World's biggest radio ear

It's now the biggest single-dish radio telescope on Earth. Settled down in the bumpy karst of China's Guizhou province, about 1200 miles southwest of Beijing, this newest instrument for studying the heavens is very similar ...

OSIRIS-REx says hello to the Allen Telescope Array

The Allen Telescope Array uses 42 radio dishes to search for radio transmissions from ET. How do we know the system is working? To answer that we point the dishes in the direction of a spacecraft we know is transmitting radio ...

UC Berkeley passes management of Allen Telescope Array to SRI

Hat Creek Radio Observatory in Northern California, from which University of California, Berkeley, telescopes – most recently the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) – scanned the Milky Way and other galaxies for 50 years ...

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