How could DSCOVR help in exoplanet hunting?

Could a space weather satellite be helpful in exoplanet hunting? Well, it now turns out it could. According to a team of scientists led by Stephen Kane from the San Francisco State University, the Deep Space Climate Observatory ...

There's no evidence to suggest there is life on Comet 67P

As far as underwhelming headlines go: "No Alien Life Found on Comet" must rank very close to the top. An article with this title appeared in the Guardian on July 6 in response to a story claiming that there could be life ...

Intelligent life in the universe? Phone home, dammit!

We've been conditioned by television and movies to accept the likelihood of intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. "Of course there's intelligent life out there; I saw it last week on Star Trek." We've seen it all, from ...

The dispersal of alien species redefines biogeography

It has been hypothesized that globalization of human-mediated dispersal of species may break down biogeographic boundaries. However, empirical tests had been lacking until recently. An international research team has now ...

We need to know about alien biology before we know how they think

Should E.T. finally give Earth a ring, it's not only important to understand what the message says but why it is being sent, a speaker at a talk about extraterrestrials urged this week. This requires understanding about alien ...

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