Why are we so fascinated with aliens?

Robert Smith is convinced the aliens have won. "The invasion has happened—it's all over," says the University of Alberta space historian who teaches a course on the history of extraterrestrials.

Japanese island eradicates rabbit-killing mongoose

Japan has wiped out all mongooses on a subtropical island, officials said, after the animals ignored the venomous snakes they were brought in to hunt and preyed on endangered local rabbits instead.

Watching the watchers with Nancy Grace Roman

Astronomers are getting better at gathering data about exoplanets. We have discovered thousands of them, measuring their mass, size, and orbital parameters, and we are starting to measure other aspects such as their temperature ...

Two new Saturn-mass exoplanets discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of two new Saturn-mass exoplanets as part of the CARMENES radial velocity survey. The newly found alien worlds, designated TYC 2187-512-1 b and TZ Ari b, orbit nearby ...

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