Robot vs alien: The freshwater fish saga

How do you get rid of an invasive fish that is taking over waterways across the globe? With robot predators designed to scare them, of course!

Non-native species threaten 73% of African states

Non-native alien plants and animals are threatening fish production, water supply and other natural resources in almost three quarters of African countries, a study has concluded.

Even coral reefs are affected by socio-economics

Marine biologists working to save the world's coral reefs say that they are increasingly being affected by human activities. As a result, the marine biologists now need to include an assessment of the effects of activities, ...

Invasive pines fueled 2017 fires in South Africa

The replacement of natural fynbos vegetation with pine plantations in the southern Cape, and the subsequent invasion of surrounding land by invasive pine trees, significantly increased the severity of the 2017 Knysna wildfires. ...

Mapping invasive alien species of Union concern

The first ever Baseline Distribution of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern has been published by the JRC. The 37 invasive alien species covered by this report have been prioritised as species that need to be addressed ...

Changing our attitudes towards invasive 'alien' species

We often hear that complex environmental problems need to be communicated better – that scientists need to tell 'arresting stories' before governments and the public will act. But arresting stories can also be profoundly ...

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