Dams exacerbate the consequences of climate change on river fish

A potential response of river fish to environmental changes is to colonize new habitats. But what happens when dams and weirs restrict their movement? And are native and alien species similarly affected? Researchers from ...

Native Hawaiian tiger cowries eat alien invasive species

Researchers at the University of Hawai'i (UH) at Mānoa's Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) have just discovered that the Hawaiian tiger cowrie (Leho-kiko in Hawaiian) is a voracious predator of alien sponges such ...

Robot vs alien: The freshwater fish saga

How do you get rid of an invasive fish that is taking over waterways across the globe? With robot predators designed to scare them, of course!

Non-native species threaten 73% of African states

Non-native alien plants and animals are threatening fish production, water supply and other natural resources in almost three quarters of African countries, a study has concluded.

Protected areas worldwide at risk of invasive species

Protected areas across the globe are effectively keeping invasive animals at bay, but the large majority of them are at risk of invasions, finds a China-UK research team involving UCL.

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