Related topics: mississippi river

Confronting toxic blue-green algae in Madison lakes

( -- Harmful algal blooms, once considered mainly a problem in salt water, have been appearing with increasing severity in the Madison lakes, and a team of University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers has geared ...

Outsmarting algae -- Scientist finds the turn-off switch

Algaecide is no crime. Consider that some strains of algae produce toxins lethal to wildlife, fish and plants. Even the less harmful varieties suck oxygen out of water, suffocating living creatures in lakes, ponds, pools ...

Algae slick floating towards China's east coast

A large expanse of green algae is floating towards China's east coast, potentially threatening marine life and the region's tourism industry, an official and state media said Wednesday.

Keeping your dog safe from toxic blue-green algae

When we see green, scummy water, we know better than to drink it or even swim in it. But the same is not true for many dogs, and that green scum could be a toxic blue-green algae bloom, which can be fatal to animals.

NASA scientists test new tool for tracking algal blooms

By the time they were over, a series of massive algal blooms along the west coast of Florida in 2020 would be linked to some 2,000 tons of dead marine life around Tampa Bay. The human costs were stark, too, including a double-digit ...

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