Related topics: mississippi river

Smithsonian scientists solve 'sudden death at sea' mystery

Mass strandings of whales have puzzled people since Aristotle. Modern-day strandings can be investigated and their causes, often human-related, identified. Events that happened millions of years ago, however, are far harder ...

Learning from algae sex

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) are delving into the mysterious world of algae to find better ways to put these organisms to use.

Ocean colour seen

The Centre for Carbon Measurement at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is working to improve ocean colour measurements vital for modelling climate and monitoring the health of the oceans. Colour differences (change in ...

Stanford-affiliated sea-faring robot searches for toxic algae

( —A robotic sensor placed in Puget Sound searches for signs of toxic algae and bacteria that contaminate seafood. A successful test run of the Stanford-affiliated project could lead to a network of robots patrolling ...

China hit by largest-ever algae bloom

The seas off China have been hit by their largest ever growth of algae, ocean officials said, with vast waves of green growth washing onto the shores of the Yellow Sea.

Novel testing device for detecting toxic blue-green algae

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a fast and affordable testing device for detecting the presence of toxic blue-green algae in water. There is currently no fast, affordable and user-friendly way for consumers ...

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