Related topics: mississippi river

With climate, fertilizing oceans could be zero-sum game

Scientists plumbing the depths of the central equatorial Pacific Ocean have found ancient sediments suggesting that one proposed way to mitigate climate warming—fertilizing the oceans with iron to produce more carbon-eating ...

Feds: Lake Erie algae bloom in 2015 was largest on record

The algae bloom that spread across Lake Erie this summer was the largest on record and left behind a thick, paint-like scum that covered an area roughly the size of New York City, government scientists said Tuesday.

High toxin level delays California crab season

Wildlife authorities delayed the Dungeness crab season and closed the rock crab fishery for most of California on Thursday, just days after warning of dangerous levels of a neurotoxin linked to a massive algae bloom off the ...

Ohio River's huge algae bloom a warning for water suppliers

A toxic algae outbreak that snaked more than 600 miles down the Ohio River past four states is forcing water utilities to reassess the threat from harmful algal blooms that are popping up increasingly around the nation.

Researchers study ways to disable algal bloom

From shellfish industries on the West Coast to popular beaches in New York, human health, fishing and tourist economies are at stake wherever harmful algae thrive. In the past year alone, harmful algal blooms – also known ...

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