Drug makes rats less likely to imbibe alcohol

Alcohol use disorders can have devastating effects on a person's health, relationships and finances. Yet for some, the feeling they get when taking a drink temporarily outweighs these other concerns. Now, researchers have ...

Capturing the acid-base reactions in alcohol

A new research, affiliated with UNIST has been featured as a 'Hot Article' on the front cover of the March issue of Chemistry: A European Journal. This study has been regarded as "very important" because it offers a new framework ...

Molecules in a fluid not randomly arranged

FOM PhD researcher Matthijs Panman and his colleagues from the University of Amsterdam have demonstrated that molecules in liquid alcohol are not randomly oriented with respect to each other. The angle between the oxygen-hydrogen ...

Alcohol clouds in space

Yes, there is a giant cloud of alcohol in outer space. It's in a region known as W3(OH), only about 6500 light years away. Unfortunately it is methyl alcohol (commonly known as wood alcohol, though this stuff is not derived ...

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