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Wolfram Alpha shows flights overhead

Wolfram Alpha, the online search service launched two years ago, now lets inquiring minds in the United States find out what flights happen to be overhead at any given moment.

Reducing jet noise by controlling turbulence

Airlines and aircraft manufacturers are under increasing pressure to keep noise levels low for airport personnel and for people in surrounding neighborhoods.

New tool analyzes black-box data for flight anomalies

An airplane's digital flight-data recorder, or "black box," holds massive amounts of data, documenting the performance of engines, cockpit controls, hydraulic equipment and GPS systems, typically at regular one-second intervals ...

Internet archive shows Sept. 11 coverage

(AP) -- For many in New York and Washington, Sept. 11, 2001, was a personal experience, an attack on their cities. Most everywhere else in the world, it was a television event.

Airlines positioned for big gains in efficiency

Planes are being built out of the same lightweight materials used for Formula 1 race cars. Their engines are being redesigned to squeeze more thrust out of every gallon of fuel. And governments are developing air-traffic ...

Free app protects Facebook accounts from hackers

( -- Two University of California, Riverside graduate students and a company run by an alumnus of the school have partnered to develop a free Facebook application that detects spam and malware posted on users' ...

Google adds non-stop flight data to search results

( -- Using Google to search for flights is nothing new but that search tool just got a serious boost. The company announced on Friday that it is adding flight schedules to all of their travel related searches. ...

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