Related topics: carbon emissions · climate change

PNNL technology clears way for ethanol-derived jet fuel

ASTM International recently revised ASTM D7566 Annex A5—the Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons—to add ethanol as an approved feedstock for producing alcohol-to-jet synthetic ...

Airlines and passengers save billions through crew planning

Airlines avoid up to 80 percent of crew-related delays through advance planning, according to the authors of a Dartmouth College study on the commercial airline industry. The research explains the complex reality of crew ...

Unloved Airbus A380s to be stripped for parts

Two Airbus A380 superjumbos once flown by Singapore Airlines are to become the first of the iconic doubledeckers to be stripped for parts, after a German leasing firm failed to find a new operator for them.

Singapore Airlines to launch world's longest flight

Singapore Airlines said on Wednesday that it will relaunch the world's longest commercial flight in October, a journey of almost 19 hours from the city-state to New York, but it will not be available to economy travellers.

NASA airborne science team surveys California fires

A team of NASA scientists is using a high-altitude aircraft and a sophisticated imaging spectrometer built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, to study environmental impacts caused by the devastating ...

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