Collapsible wings help birds cope with turbulence

Collapsible wings may be a bird's answer to turbulence according to an Oxford University study in which an eagle carried its own 'black box' flight recorder on its back.

New Instrument Could Detect Hidden Aviation Hazards

( -- While radar and other existing systems typically warn aircraft pilots of potential weather hazards during flight, they do not detect all possible atmospheric dangers.

Table top plasma gets wind of solar turbulence

Scientists from India and Portugal recreated solar turbulence on a tabletop using a high intensity ultrashort laser pulse to excite a hot, dense plasma and followed the evolution of the giant magnetic field generated by the ...

Winging it: How do bats out-maneuver their prey?

Bats catch food 'on the wing' without touching the ground, but how do they do it? A new study by Per Henningsson at Lund University, Sweden is the first of its kind to analyse the aerodynamics of bats performing manoeuvers ...

Bat flight model can inspire smarter, nimbler drones

Bats are among nature's best flyers—able to fly for long periods of time, maneouvre in mid-air with pinpoint precision and get into some very tight spaces. However, scientists have not fully understood exactly how bats ...

Langmuir circulation inhibits near-surface water turbulence

In the surface ocean, breaking waves are a major source of air bubbles and turbulent kinetic energy. During the presence of a consistent surface wind, these wave-generated bubbles, along with other surface material like seaweed ...

An airflow model to reduce time on the tarmac

Plans for summer holidays are already taking shape. But before jetting off for some fun in the sun, many travellers will have to cope with long delays on the airport runway.

Examining the intricacies of ozone removal by deciduous forests

Ozone plays a vital role in Earth's climate system. In the stratosphere, which begins about six miles (9.7 kilometers) off the ground, ozone protects the planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Lower in the atmosphere, ...

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