US prepares to ban laptops on flights from Europe

The U.S. is expected to broaden its ban on in-flight laptops and tablets to include planes from the European Union, a move that would create logistical chaos on the world's busiest corridor of air travel.

Liquid hydrogen may be way forward for sustainable air travel

Transport makes up around 20 percent of our energy use around the world—and that figure is set to grow, according to the International Energy Agency. With sustainable solutions in mind, a new study published by eminent ...

How to boost the business of science for the benefit of us all

There has been some talk in recent weeks that Australia's much-vaunted "ideas boom" may be over before it's really begun. But the truth is Australian ideas were booming long before the Turnbull government coined the term ...

Would you live in a city made of synthetic bone?

The cities of today are built with concrete and steel – but some Cambridge researchers think that the cities of the future need to go back to nature if they are to support an ever-expanding population, while keeping carbon ...

Green consumers flying in the face of environmental conviction

Flying has a high environmental impact and gives rising concerns for CO2 emissions and climate change. Nonetheless, there are few signs of changing behaviour even from committed environmentalists, many of whom continue to ...

Chipping away at the secrets of ice formation

Making ice to chill our drinks is easy enough, but surprisingly, the details of that seemingly simple process are still not well understood. Now scientists report in the Journal of the American Chemical Society that they ...

Electric aircraft—the future of aviation or wishful thinking?

Since the dawn of aviation, planes have primarily been powered by carbon-based fuels such as gasoline or kerosene. These contain a lot of energy for their weight, providing the vast power required to lift large commercial ...

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