Related topics: volcano

New research to help safer emergency aircraft landings

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) aviation researchers are developing an information system to help Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) make safer emergency landings and better enable their wider commercial use.

Appeals court overturns key Cape Wind clearance

(AP) -- A federal appeals court on Friday overturned the Federal Aviation Administration's ruling that Cape Wind's turbines present no danger for local air traffic.

Measuring the next generation of life-saving pollution sensors

New research from the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is helping Duvas Technologies Ltd (Duvas) to develop improved air quality monitoring instrumentation. Currently over 1bn people a year suffer from respiratory ...

ISS ship-tracker operating alongside Norwegian satellite

( -- Nearing the end of its third month of continuous operation, the International Space Station's ship-tracking experiment has experienced a marked increase in data quality. Now it operates along with a dedicated ...

EU moves to help aviation heal $3.3 billion losses

(AP) -- Europe should help its aviation sector recover from up to euro2.5 billion ($3.3 billion) in losses from the Icelandic volcano ash crisis by combining sweeping reform of air traffic control with short-term relief ...

ASU expert: Volcanic ash could disrupt travel for months

( -- Because of a volcanic eruption in Iceland, air travel across much of Europe has been delayed or halted and could remain that way for sometime, says professor Jonathan Fink.

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