Related topics: air pollution

Japan proposes pollution meeting with China

The foreign ministry in Tokyo on Friday proposed a meeting with Chinese officials about the choking smog over Beijing that is now being seen in Japan.

China sets pace for smoggy Hong Kong: think-tank

Beijing's decision to come clean on its dirty air has embarrassed Hong Kong, where smog kills hundreds of people a year, hurts business and drives away talent, a think-tank has said.

China 'exporting' ozone pollution to US, study says

Progress slashing unhealthy ozone in the western United States has been largely undone by pollution wafting across the Pacific from China, according to a study published Monday.

Smog-ridden New Delhi extends schools shutdown

Authorities in India's smog-ridden capital New Delhi on Sunday extended an emergency schools closure by a week, with no signs of improvement in the megacity's choking levels of pollution.

Low-cost sensors gather air pollution data

( —Epidemiologists' understanding of the relationship between exposure to airborne pollutants and a range of health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and asthma, has grown increasingly precise in recent ...

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