How to handle wildlife in your yard

I heard a local story of a man who, in his excitement to kill a rattlesnake, used the only thing he had available—his thermos bottle. The next scene in this drama has the man in the hospital receiving anti-venom to treat ...

Do we judge chocolate by its wrapper?

Packaging is the first impression consumers have of food products that influences the likelihood of purchasing. A new study in the journal Heliyon evaluates the effect of chocolate packaging design on sensory liking and willingness ...

Grassland areas should be chosen wisely

When farmland is converted from grain production to grasslands, the greatest environmental benefits are obtained by choosing land that is close to existing natural areas or has high nutritional loads to aquatic environments, ...

The USDA announces new vision for animal genomics

A new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) blueprint, published today in Frontiers and Genetics, will serve as a guide for research and funding in animal genomics for 2018-2027 that will facilitate genomic solutions to enable ...

Producing food while preserving biodiversity

In nature conservation and agriculture, there are two opposing views of how to combine high biodiversity and sustainable food production: Nature conservation should either be integrated into agricultural land, or segregated ...

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