Mexico says pig die-off due to salmonella, pneumonia

Mexican authorities breathed a sigh of relief Friday when experts determined that a die-off of pigs in December at a local slaughterhouse was due to salmonella and Pasteurellosis, a commonly occurring infection, and not African ...

US companies announce plans for gene-edited strawberries

An Idaho company that successfully brought genetically modified potatoes to the market announced an agreement Thursday to help a California-based plant breeding company grow strawberries they say will stay fresh longer and ...

Putting an emphasis on agricultural decarbonization

Nearly a billion acres of land in the United States is dedicated to agriculture, producing more than a trillion dollars of food products to feed the country and the world. Those same agricultural processes, however, also ...

New composite material has potential for medical use

University of Georgia researchers have developed a new material with properties ideal for medical products such as masks and bandages. It's also better for the environment than the materials in current use.

Environmental change impacting some Queensland fisheries

A collaborative research project to identify and measure the effects of environmental drivers on several key Queensland fishery species—snapper, pearl perch, and spanner crab—has drawn to a close.

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