Octocopter! Experimental drone for agricultural research

Following the revelation that English Premiership football club Everton FC is using drones to monitor player training sessions, it seems there's nothing these Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) aren't being primed to do: everything ...

When trees aren't 'green'

Most of us don't consider forests a source of pollution. As natural bodies, they should be good for the environment. But a recent study in Japan shows that older cedar and cypress plantations are causing as much pollution ...

Glowing plants a sign of health

Radiant skin is considered a sign of good health in humans, but plants also glow when they are well. A potential new ESA satellite could use this fluorescence to track the health and productivity of vegetation worldwide.

Researchers suggest plan to address hypoxia in Gulf of Mexico

Despite a 12-year action plan calling for reducing the hypoxia zone in the Gulf of Mexico, little progress has been made, and there is no evidence that nutrient loading to the Gulf has decreased during this period. University ...

For fish and rice to thrive in Yolo Bypass, 'just add water'

From a fish-eye view, rice fields in California's Yolo Bypass provide an all-you-can-eat bug buffet for juvenile salmon seeking nourishment on their journey to the sea. That's according to a new report detailing the scientific ...

Rethinking the value of sewage sludge 

Researchers from the Plant Nutrition Group at ETH Zurich have been evaluating methods to develop an efficient and environmental friendly phosphate fertilizer from sewage sludge ashes. A new thermo-chemical process that extracts ...

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