Women sidelined in agri-tech revolution

The exclusion of women in the digital world is hurting agricultural productivity in low- and middle- income countries, according to global technology experts.

Web3 technology 'puts farmers in charge of their data'

Innovations such as Web3, the third generation of the internet, and easy-to-use video-based technologies in local languages have the potential to drive change in agriculture in developing countries, say technology advocates.

Withdrawal of rivers and lakes is faster near cities

The depletion of water resources (e.g., rivers and lakes) is more rapid and evident in proximity of urban areas and, away from cities, it gradually decreases. A research group from the University of Bologna analyzed 30 years ...

Sustainable farming: There's no one solution

Sustainable agriculture will not be achieved by one universal solution. A meta-analysis by the University of Basel shows that the current focus on no-till farming does not achieve the desired results. A sustainable system ...

Ag policy in India needs to account for domestic workload

Women's increased agricultural labor during harvest season, in addition to domestic house care, often comes at the cost of their health, according to new research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition ...

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