Deadly elephant virus stalks Zurich zoo

A deadly virus has swept through Zurich's zoo, killing three Asian elephants in a month and leaving experts stumped as to how to stop its spread.

Study establishes key areas for tiger movement in central India

Tigers across central India traverse long distances to get from one protected area to another. Maintaining safe areas for the big cats to move through—known as wildlife corridors—is essential for allowing tigers to thrive ...

Deindustrialization as fact and fiction

The declining importance of manufacturing in rich societies is associated with deep concerns, but also with the hope of opening up new opportunities for economic development. As a result, predictions of a structural change ...

Asia's coastal cities sinking faster than sea level-rise

Manila and several other coastal Asian cities are sinking faster than the rate of sea level rise, says a study that calls for strict regulatory measure to reduce groundwater extraction, identified as a major cause for land ...

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