Myth of tolerant dogs and aggressive wolves refuted

Dogs are regarded as more tolerant and less aggressive compared to their ancestors, the wolves. Researchers from the Messerli Research Institute at the Vetmeduni Vienna question this image. They show in a recent study that ...

Using 'dominance' to explain dog behavior is old hat

( -- A new study shows how the behaviour of dogs has been misunderstood for generations: in fact using misplaced ideas about dog behaviour and training is likely to cause rather than cure unwanted behaviour. ...

Dogs are aggressive if they are trained badly

Many dogs are put down or abandoned due to their violent nature, but contrary to popular belief, breed has little to do with a dog's aggressive behaviour compared to all the owner-dependant factors. This is shown in a new ...

If you're aggressive, your dog will be too, study

( -- In a new, year-long University of Pennsylvania survey of dog owners who use confrontational or aversive methods to train aggressive pets, veterinary researchers have found that most of these animals will ...

Risk factors for attacks by dogs on other dogs, cats

Dog attacks on other dogs or cats are traumatic events for pet owners—but what do we know about how commonly they occur, or how you might reduce the risk of your pet being involved?

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