Scientists discover method to potentially repair nerve damage

Nerve damage from neurodegenerative disease and spinal cord injury has largely been considered irreversible, but Dartmouth researchers report progress in the effort to synthesize rare natural products that promote regeneration ...

Chemists turn bacterial molecules into potential drug molecules

Yan-Yeung Luk, associate professor of chemistry, and his research team have published their findings in ChemBioChem, explaining how they have created molecules that mimic and dominate toxic ones secreted by bacteria. The ...

Antibody-making bacteria promise drug development

Monoclonal antibodies, proteins that bind to and destroy foreign invaders in our bodies, routinely are used as therapeutic agents to fight a wide range of maladies including breast cancer, leukemia, asthma, arthritis, psoriasis, ...

Newly identified tadpole disease found across the globe

Scientists have found that a newly identified and highly infectious tadpole disease is found in a diverse range of frog populations across the world. The discovery sheds new light on some of the threats facing fragile frog ...

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