Pyridine based antitumor compounds acting at the colchicine site

Tubulin inhibitors are amongst the most successful anti-cancer, anti-parasitic and herbicidal agents. Their vascular disrupting activity has recently attracted research focus as it elicits anti-cancer effects at doses well ...

Enzymes found that can tear down bacterial biofilm walls

(—A team of researchers from the U.S. and Canada has identified two enzymes that have proven able to break down bacterial biofilms, allowing antibacterial agents to more effectively kill their targets. In their ...

New drug against nerve agents in sight

The nerve agent sarin causes a deadly overstimulation of the nervous system that can be stopped if treated with an antidote within minutes of poisoning. Today, a ground-breaking study has been published in PNAS, which in ...

Scientists harness nature's transport system to the brain

Scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) have derived a structural model of a transporter at the blood-brain barrier called Mfsd2a (1). This is the first molecular model of this critical transporter, and could prove ...

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