Related topics: mosquitoes

Experimental insecticide explodes mosquitoes, not honeybees

In a new study, Vanderbilt pharmacologist Jerod Denton, Ph.D., Ohio State entomologist Peter Piermarini, Ph.D., and colleagues report an experimental molecule that inhibits kidney function in mosquitoes and thus might provide ...

Australians waiting for the Tiger mosquito

A swarm of mosquitoes is an accident waiting to happen. But perhaps the bigger issue facing Australia isn't so much whether the mosquitoes here are swarming, but rather whether a certain "tiger" mosquito lurking just to the ...

Brazil mutant mosquitoes to breed out diseases

Scientists in Brazil are preparing to release millions of factory-bred mosquitoes in an attempt to wipe out their distant cousins that carry tropical diseases. The insects' method: have sex and then die.

Genes help scientists track odd migrations of Zika mosquitoes

Mosquitoes that carry Zika virus and Dengue fever are genetically distinct throughout the globe, a fact that may help public health officials assess risk to populations newly exposed to the species, a new Yale-led study shows.

Probing a mosquito protein for clues in the fight against Zika

As health departments around the U.S. boost efforts to combat Zika, scientists are working on new ways to kill the mosquitoes that carry the virus. One approach involves understanding the molecular mechanisms that keep the ...

US finds GMO mosquitoes won't harm environment

A type of genetically modified mosquito made by the British company Oxitec should pose no danger to the environment, US regulators said on Friday after considering thousands of public comments.

New strategies against mosquitoes and other pests

South America is fighting a battle against tiger mosquitoes that transmit yellow fever, dengue fever and the Zika virus. In Central Europe, wine and fruit growers fear another year of massive crop failures due to a type of ...

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