Analysis: Yahoo needs more than eyeballs to grow

Yahoo Inc. may have reclaimed the top spot in the Web traffic rankings, but experts say the Web portal has a long way to go before it's demonstrated that the huge changes made by CEO Marissa Mayer are turning the business ...

Online advertising in US rises 16 pct in 1Q

New figures show Internet advertising in the U.S. is still growing at a robust clip as marketers pursue the growing online audience and data analysis helps to target their pitches at people most likely to buy their products ...

US Internet ad revenue grows 15 percent in 2012

U.S. Internet advertising revenue grew 15 percent to a record $36.6 billion in 2012, with mobile ad revenue growing faster than other types, according to a new report Tuesday.

Debate erupts in France over blocking online ads (Update)

France's Digital Economy minister said Monday she persuaded a top Internet access provider to stop its controversial policy of blocking online advertisements—a move widely seen as an attack against Google but which has ...

Google loses appeal against French tax searches

A Paris appeals court has rejected a request by Internet search giant Google to invalidate the search and seizure of documents by French tax authorities, according to a copy of the decision obtained by AFP on Friday.

Yahoo to exit South Korea by end of year

(AP)—Yahoo Inc. said it will close its South Korean web portal and an Internet advertising business, cutting its losses in a market where it has struggled for over a decade.

Google says it will shut China music service (Update)

(AP)—Google Inc. said Friday it will close a music download service in China, further reducing its presence in the world's most populous Internet market two years after the company closed its mainland search engine in a ...

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