Teachers make Frankensteel during Materials Camp at MIT

Ten high school teachers spent a week at MIT in July designing and making Frankensteel, a self-healing material inspired by the villain in the Terminator 2 movie. Next up: they aim to recreate the calculations and experiments ...

Scientists clarify how best known superconductor works

In a series of experiments on lanthanum superhydride with impurities, researchers from Skoltech, Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS and their colleagues from the United States, Germany and Japan, have established the mechanism ...

AI tackles the challenge of materials structure prediction

Researchers have designed a machine learning method that can predict the structure of new materials with five times the efficiency of the current standard, removing a key roadblock in developing advanced materials for applications ...

Coin-sized device detects measles virus in saliva

Measles is one of the most infectious airborne viruses worldwide. An inexpensive and effective vaccine is available, but Measles is common in developing countries and sporadic outbreaks also occur in developed countries, ...

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