Text messaging to Whatsapp—early adopters and inertia

Text messaging remains an important means of electronic communication for many people requiring only the simplest connection to the cell phone network. Nevertheless, other more sophisticated tools such as Whatsapp are increasingly ...

Tillage and cover cropping effects on grain production

Incorporating cover crops with tillage reportedly results in increased cover crop decomposition rates and increased mineralization of nutrients from cover crop biomass. Multiple studies have reported mixed results for corn-soybean ...

IPv6 adoption picture is in pink but not rosy

(Phys.org) -- On June 6th World IPv6 Launch Day reminded the world of an industry-wide effort to help accelerate the use of IPv6 and to get websites to enable IPv6 permanently. Reports are coming in from stats-gatherers that ...

Nanowires create elite warriors to enhance T cell therapy

Adoptive T-cell therapy has revolutionized medicine. A patient's T-cells—a type of white blood cell that is part of the body's immune system—are extracted and modified in a lab and then infused back into the body, to ...

History shows that all-boy classrooms might actually benefit girls

In recent years, the apparent decline in boys' academic success rates has troubled politicians, researchers, and educators. It has been described as an educational crisis and a failure of the traditional school setting. The ...

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