Researcher examines the politics of adoption in France

On May 18, 2013, France legalized same-sex marriage, and simultaneously, adoption by homosexual couples. During the lead-up to President François Hollande signing the act into law, opposition protests erupted across France. ...

Is it time to ditch the climate 'bible'?

Top UN experts have just delivered the first volume of a massive new climate change report, but already whispers are starting to be heard: Will it be the last such review?

Accidents waiting to happen: Insider knowledge

Workplace accidents must be treated like any other source of knowledge if companies and their employees are to learn from such incidents and prevent future accidents from occurring. That is the take home message from research ...

Report: Internet is changing adoption— for better and worse

The Internet is having a profound, transformative impact on adoption - changing practices and policies, offering new opportunities and resources, and raising ethical, legal and procedural issues, a report out Thursday says.

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