Seeing the S-curve in everything

Esses are everywhere. From economic trends, population growth, the spread of cancer, or the adoption of new technology, certain patterns inevitably seem to emerge. A new technology, for example, begins with slow acceptance, ...

Cap-and-trade trumps taxes for clean tech adoption

A cap-and-trade system is more likely than a carbon tax system to trigger the adoption of clean energy technologies, according to a study by professor Yihsu Chen at the University of California, Merced.

Microsoft pulls plug on home energy monitor

Microsoft announced on Thursday it is pulling the plug on a free online home energy monitoring tool that allows consumers to gauge their usage and reduce consumption.

History shows that all-boy classrooms might actually benefit girls

In recent years, the apparent decline in boys' academic success rates has troubled politicians, researchers, and educators. It has been described as an educational crisis and a failure of the traditional school setting. The ...

Banking on benefits

People make the decision to use internet banking either because they recognize the benefits or because of peer pressure but rarely because of perceived prestige or celebrity endorsement, a study published in the International ...

Architects and engineers bridge the grid chasm

( -- In the technology adoption cycle, a chasm separates powerful new technologies from the SMEs that could most benefit from them. Now, thanks to European researchers, architects and engineers are building a ...

Federal agency spurs people to adopt wild horses

(AP) -- A federal agency is hoping older wild mustangs rounded up from the range will find new homes with a program that will offer stipends to owners who adopt them.

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