Trump aims to end automatic protections for some species

The Trump administration on Thursday proposed ending automatic protections for threatened animal and plant species and limiting habitat safeguards that are meant to shield recovering species from harm.

Obama taking action to push manufacturing

President Barack Obama is expanding his push for increased manufacturing in the United States by directing federal money toward new technologies, apprenticeship programs and competitions designed to assist small manufacturers.

Feds mull Alaska's petition to delist humpbacks

Federal officials say a petition filed by the state of Alaska to remove some North Pacific humpback whales from protection under the Endangered Species Act merits a closer look.

Feds, pilots warn of lasers pointed into cockpits

Airline pilots and federal officials launched a campaign Monday to warn about the dangers of people pointing lasers into cockpits. They're promising prosecution for those who are caught, and a reward for those who turn them ...

Obama to meet with lawmakers, intel leaders on NSA

President Barack Obama is inviting lawmakers and intelligence officials to the White House to discuss National Security Agency programs as Obama prepares to unveil what changes he's prepared to make to the programs.

US agency reveals more secrets after court order (Update)

The Obama administration has given up more of its surveillance secrets, acknowledging that it was ordered to stop scooping up thousands of Internet communications from Americans with no connection to terrorism—a practice ...

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