Spider silk glue inspires next-generation technology

(PhysOrg.com) -- Water affects orb spider web glue differently than cobweb glue. Orb web glue reacts to humidity, but cobweb glue resists it. These findings by a University of Akron research team inspire the development of ...

Tailoring surgical glues for specific applications

(PhysOrg.com) -- Surgical adhesives, which can be used to seal tissues after an operation or to repair wounds, are becoming increasingly important parts of a doctor's toolkit. However, their one-size-fits-all nature means ...

Tiny capsules can deliver drugs to targeted cells

(PhysOrg.com) -- It is now possible to engineer tiny containers the size of a virus to deliver drugs and other materials with almost 100 percent efficiency to targeted cells in the bloodstream.

Adhesives from feathers

Adhesives are almost always based on fossil raw materials such as petroleum. Researchers at Fraunhofer have recently developed a process that allows to utilize keratin for this purpose. This highly versatile protein compound ...

A sticky subject: Studying shellfish for advanced adhesives

Don't look now, but you're surrounded. Really. Within arm's reach—probably even touching you—are troublesome, sticky, potentially even toxic, substances. Bad for the planet, permanent, maybe even bad for your health. ...

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