Researchers report cybersecurity risks in 3D printing

Additive manufacturing (AM), commonly called 3D printing, is a $4 billion business set to quadruple by 2020. One day, manufacturers may print everything from cars to medicines, disrupting centuries-old production practices. ...

3-D Printing 101

It's been more than 30 years since the invention of 3-D printing, and yet in some ways the technology is still a frontier of unexplored potential.

A digital world you can touch

New additive manufacturing technologies are making it possible to produce burner components and turbine blades in a 3D printer. When it comes to developing and implementing additive manufacturing, Siemens is ahead of the ...

More options for personalized medicine

Fraunhofer researchers have developed a particulary flexible additive manufacturing method that allows them to produce bone implants, dentures, surgical tools, or microreactors in almost any conceivable design. At the Medtec ...

Taking a close look at metal 3-D printing

In the wee hours of a Saturday morning, Carnegie Mellon University Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Tony Rollett and graduate students Ross Cunningham and Tugce Ozturk sit together in Sector 2 of the mile-wide ...

ICESat-2 equipped with unique 3-D manufactured part

NASA's follow-on to the successful ICESat mission will employ a never-before-flown technique for determining the topography of ice sheets and the thickness of sea ice, but that won't be the only first for this mission.

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