Related topics: climate change

Bubbles of brand new stars

This region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) glows in striking colours in this image captured by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT). The region, known as LHA 120-N ...

First photo of planet in making captured

There are 450 light-years between Earth and LkCa15, a young star with a transition disk around it, a cosmic whirling dervish, a birthplace for planets.

New technology looks into the eye and brings cells into focus

Eye doctors soon could use computing power to help them see individual cells in the back of a patient's eye, thanks to imaging technology developed by engineers at the University of Illinois. Such detailed pictures of the ...

Astronomers probe inner region of young star and its planets

Astronomers have probed deeper than before into a planetary system 130 light-years from Earth. The observations mark the first results of a new exoplanet survey called LEECH (LBT Exozodi Exoplanet Common Hunt), and are published ...

The incredible shrinking dinosaur

Dinosaurs still roam the Earth - only now, according to researchers at the University of Oxford, they rule the air. At least, according this landmark study, their miniaturized forms do.

Study: Marmoset success with twin gestation

( —How can the tiny marmoset – a New World monkey – regularly successfully bear twins and sometimes triplets and quadruplets when much larger humans often face a difficult pregnancy and delivery?

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