Social connection drives learning in bird brain

Juvenile zebra finches learn songs directly from a tutor—usually their father—through a social interaction that keeps them motivated and on-task. Young birds who simply hear the songs through a speaker, without the tutor's ...

Potential anti-aging components of Moringa oleifera leaf

Moringa oleifera Lam., also known as Miracle Tree, primarily derived from India, is now widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Previous studies have showed that M. oleifera has anti-aging effects, but there ...

Volcanic activity may be the cause of marsquakes

Volcanic activity beneath the surface of Mars could be responsible for triggering repetitive Marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, in a specific region of the Red Planet, researchers from The Australian National University ...

The neuronal mechanism behind motivation

Our actions are motivated by the goals we want to achieve. However, little is known about the mechanism in our brains that allow us to make the right decisions to reach our goals. Researchers in the Lüthi lab now identified ...

New chiral nanostructures to extend the material platform

A research team transferred chirality from the molecular scale to a microscale to extend material platforms and applications. The optical activity from this novel chiral material encompasses to short-wave infrared region.

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