Scientists find evidence of key ingredient during dawn of life

Before there were cells on Earth, simple, tiny catalysts most likely evolved the ability to speed up and synchronize the chemical reactions necessary for life to rise from the primordial soup. But what those catalysts were, ...

Artificial metalloenzymes, the chemical synthesis of the future

Researchers at CEA, Joseph Fourier University and CNRS have developed a new approach combining protein crystallography and biomimetic chemistry for observing they key steps of a process essential to life: oxygen activation. ...

The developmental on-switch

German researchers have demonstrated for the first time why the molecular cocktail responsible for generating stem cells works. Sox2 and Oct4 are proteins whose effect on cells resembles that of an eraser: They remove all ...

Study reveals insights into protein evolution

Rice University's Peter Wolynes and his research team have unveiled a breakthrough in understanding how specific genetic sequences, known as pseudogenes, evolve. Their paper was published May 13 in the Proceedings of the ...

Breaking down biomass with thermophilic bacteria

The deconstruction of biomass is a pivotal process in the biofuel industry, but the enzymes that possess a significant role in the breakdown of biomass remain relatively unexplored. To this end, DOE researchers at several ...

Researchers develop a small-molecule switch to activate proteins

From growing teeth, bones, and tissue in skin and organs to creating enzymes and hormones, proteins are one of the most diverse and important elements of living organisms. But those varied purposes, along with the interconnectivity ...

Researchers create a protein 'mat' that can soak up pollution

In a breakthrough that could lead to a new class of materials with functions found only in living systems, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have figured out a way to keep certain proteins active outside ...

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