Blazar 1ES 1218+304 inspected in detail

An international team of astronomers has performed a comprehensive, multiwavelength study of a blazar known as 1ES 1218+304. Results of the research, presented in a paper published January 3 on the arXiv preprint server, ...

Research inspects a distant gamma-ray emitting blazar

An international team of astronomers has performed a long-term multiwavelength study of a distant gamma-ray emitting blazar known as 1ES 0647+250. Results of the research, published November 23 on, yield important ...

Mid-infrared flare observed in the galaxy NGC 3786

Using NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), astronomers from South Korea and China have detected a mid-infrared flare in an active spiral galaxy known as NGC 3786. The researchers assume that this peculiar flare ...

New luminous quasar detected by astronomers

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of a new luminous quasi-stellar object, or quasar. The newly found object, designated SMSS J114447.77-430859.3 (or J1144 for short) turns out to be the most luminous ...

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