Bats' echolocation recorded for human exploit

Bats' remarkable ability to 'see' in the dark uses the echoes from their own calls to decipher the shape of their dark surroundings. This process, known as echolocation, allows bats to perceive their surroundings in great ...

Sensor predicts glass breakage

( -- Modern glass façades inform the architecture of major cities throughout the world. In recent years, however, there have been cases of broken glass, with collapsing facades endangering passers-by. Now, a ...

Safely anchored at sea

( -- Different layers of the seabed reflect sound waves in a specific way. German researchers are harnessing the benefits of this fact to efficiently track down suitable offshore sites for wind energy plants. ...

Flag has ladies all of a flutter

( -- Scientists have revealed how the male common snipe 'flies the flag' to get the girl.

Caltech researchers create 'sound bullets'

Taking inspiration from a popular executive toy ("Newton's cradle"), researchers at the California Institute of Technology have built a device -- called a nonlinear acoustic lens -- that produces highly focused, high-amplitude ...

Now in broadband: Acoustic imaging of the ocean

( -- Researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have developed two advanced broadband acoustic systems that they believe could represent the acoustic equivalent of the leap from black-and-white ...

How are droplets displaced by ultrasounds?

Understanding the physical mechanisms that enable a droplet to be displaced by propagating an acoustic wave along the substrate on which it lies is the hurdle that has been overcome by researchers from the Institut d'Electronique ...

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