NRL begins field tests of laser acoustic propagation

An NRL research team led by physicist, Dr. Ted Jones, Plasma Physics Division, performed the first successful long distance acoustic propagation and shock generation demonstration of their novel underwater photo-ionization ...

Novel use of MEMS microphones to map noise pollution

The UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has developed a new measurement-based approach to environmental noise monitoring and mapping using unique sensors. NPL in conjunction with Castle Group, QinetiQ and Hoare Lea Acoustics, ...

Navigating underwater using spiral sound

With the increased use of underwater robotics in both Navy and commercial applications, underwater navigation becomes more and more important. As researchers attempt to make these vehicles smaller and less expensive, simple ...

Engineers design tools to study sound effects on whales

( -- A combination of the biology of marine mammals, mechanical vibrations and acoustics has led to a breakthrough discovery allowing scientists to better understand the potential harmful effects of sound on marine ...

Environmental scandal in Chile

Until recently, the disastrous scale of the threat posed by salmon farms to the fauna and National Park of the Aysen region of southern Chile was entirely unknown. The unexpected discovery was made by researchers from the ...

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