Acousto-optic modulation of photonic bound state in the continuum

Applying bound states in the continuum (BICs) in photonic integrated circuits enables low-loss light guidance and routing in low-refractive-index waveguides on high-refractive-index substrates. Here, we demonstrate high-quality ...

Study traces evolution of acoustic communication

Imagine taking a hike through a forest or a stroll through a zoo and not a sound fills the air, other than the occasional chirp from a cricket. No birds singing, no tigers roaring, no monkeys chattering, and no human voices, ...

Researchers create better light-trapping devices

Anyone who's ever played the drums, tuned a guitar, or even made a wine glass "sing" by circling a finger along its edge knows about resonance. Acoustic resonators, like the cavity of a drum or a half-full wine glass, naturally ...

Microscale rockets can travel through cellular landscapes

A new study from the lab of Thomas Mallouk shows how microscale "rockets," powered by acoustic waves and an onboard bubble motor, can be driven through 3-D landscapes of cells and particles using magnets. The research was ...

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