Researchers invent acoustic prism

EPFL scientists have invented a new type of "acoustic prism" that can split a sound into its constituent frequencies. Their acoustic prism has applications in sound detection.

Uncovering what lies beneath

A key feature of the James Webb Space Telescope is helping to shed light on what goes on underneath boats in stormy weather and around the structures of offshore oilrigs.

Building a Moebius strip of good vibrations

Yale physicists have created something similar to a Moebius strip of moving energy between two vibrating objects, opening the door to novel forms of control over waves in acoustics, laser optics, and quantum mechanics.

'Exceptional points' give rise to counterintuitive physical effects

No matter whether it is acoustic waves, quantum matter waves or optical waves of a laser—all kinds of waves can be in different states of oscillation, corresponding to different frequencies. Calculating these frequencies ...

Researchers use acoustic voxels to embed sound with data

Columbia Engineering researchers, working with colleagues at Disney Research and MIT, have developed a new method to control sound waves, using a computational approach to inversely design acoustic filters that can fit within ...

Pencil test for pipeline cracks

It is impossible to see when the "lead" in a pencil cracks within the pencil, but an acoustic sensor can "hear" the change in the way the pencil vibrates. Now, researchers in China have reported in the International Journal ...

How fisheries impact behavioural evolution in Atlantic cod

As seen in other animal species, fish individuals tend to react differently to a new situation. In the case of human harvest, the boldest individuals are more likely to get caught, leaving only the fearful and cautious ones ...

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