Glasses begin to reveal their high pressure secrets

The structural changes in glasses and liquids induced by high-pressure conditions can substantially alter their dynamical and transport properties. Unravelling the mechanisms behind these transformations is, however, a formidable ...

Alcohol constrains physical constant in the early universe

(—Radio-astronomical observations of a distant galaxy indicate that the ratio of the proton's mass to that of the electron has hardly changed over cosmic history. This fundamental constant of nature has changed ...

Tracking pollution from outer space

The thickest layers of global smog—caused by traffic, industry, and natural minerals, among other factors—are found over the world's megacities. But getting an accurate measurement of pollution is no easy task. On-the-ground ...

Cheops to study super-earths

(—Studying planets around other stars will be the focus of the new small Science Programme mission, Cheops, ESA announced today. Its launch is expected in 2017.   Cheops – for CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite ...

Improved wind tunnel testing of aircraft models

When testing numerical predictions regarding performance of aircraft, wind tunnels are still the next best thing to actual flight. EU-funded researchers improved the accuracy of test measurements with important implications ...

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