Encrypted smartphones secure your identity, not just your data

Smartphones store your email, your photos and your calendar. They provide access to online social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, and even your bank and credit card accounts. And they're keys to something even more ...

Russian cyber hacker pleads guilty in identity theft case

A Russian cybercriminal identified as a leader of a $50 million identity theft and credit card fraud ring has pleaded guilty in Atlanta to helping to steal millions of debit card numbers and swiftly loot accounts in cities ...

What you need to know about the Equifax data breach

Equifax, one of the three main credit reporting companies, said this week that a major data breach exposed Social Security numbers and other important information of millions of people.

Encyption debate isn't going away

The fight over encryption isn't going away just because the FBI has figured out a way to glean the data off the iPhone used by a San Bernardino attacker.

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