New study informs blueberry flavor selection

The University of Florida's (UF) Blueberry Breeding Program has been developing successful blueberry cultivars for more than 60 years. The cultivars released from UF are credited with creating a Florida blueberry industry ...

Gene-edited beef cattle get regulatory clearance in US

U.S. regulators on Monday cleared the way for the sale of beef from gene-edited cattle in coming years after the Food and Drug Administration concluded the animals do not raise any safety concerns.

Garlic keeps fanged fish parasites away

The use of garlic to fend off vampires has been well embedded in the minds of most thanks to a number of recent cinematic releases. However, there may be some fact beneath all that fiction for fish, where dietary supplementation ...

A sensitive, affordable sensor to detect tiny amounts of CO2

Researchers at the Universities of Toronto and St. Francis Xavier are developing an affordable, energy efficient and ultra-sensitive nano-sensor that has the potential to detect even one molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Drifting word clouds may change perceptions of climate science

The impact of climate science research on society is likely to depend on regular fashion cycles in the public's use of specific keywords relating to climate change, according to new research from the University of Bristol, ...

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